Massage Parlours in York

Are you in search of a rejuvenating body massage in York? Discover a curated list of esteemed local massage parlours and expert practitioners offering a wide range of massage services tailored to your needs.

Whether you seek a soothing full-body massage, targeted deep tissue therapy, invigorating sports massage, or the relaxation of Swedish and Thai techniques, our carefully selected specialists in York are ready to cater to your preferences.

Take the first step towards relaxation and pain relief by choosing one of the featured massage parlours below. Dive into detailed information about their services, expertise, and customer reviews.

9 Massage parlours found in York


Relaxing Massage York

Specialists in relaxing massages for men. We know how to make your large frames feel great. Be happy in your....

Blush Hair & Beauty

Hello, We're Blush Hair & Beauty, expert beauticians, makeup artists, wedding makeup artists based in York. We're passionate about makeup,....

Beautiful Beauty

Beautiful Beauty is a popular and well renowned independent beautician, beauty salon York. For the past few years, we have....

3D Hair and Beauty

York's 3D Hair and Beauty salon has been operating since 2006 as a family company in York's city centre.Gail and....

Rock The Barnet

York, North Yorkshire is home to the hair & beauty establishment Rock the Barnet. The salon, formerly known as Innovations,....


Welcome to Envy, a renowned beauty salon in York. We think that we are all attractive, but that with a....

Eden Spa

Welcome to Eden Spa a York-based beauty, hair, and aesthetics salon on Fulford Road. Eden Spa has a wide choice....

The Beauty Bar

The Beauty Bar is a popular and well renowned independent beautician, makeup artist, hairdresser, beauty salon York. For the past....


Lanamiche is a Skin Clinic and Beauty Salon in York. We use highly-trained therapists and state-of-the-art technologies and supplies to....